Code Samples
Parse XML using PBDOM. Simple example on how to parse a very simple XML string. PB2019 Download
Search all (PBL) files on all hard drives. Used for: Not the fastest way to search for all files. For now, improved by showing a dw to let the user select only the disks needed for scanning and adding the possibility to exclude the windows (%WINDIR%) and Program Files folders. The speed can be further improved by not searching for "*.*" but something like "*.pbl" instead. The only "problem" with that, is that it would exclude sub-folders. Not impossible, maybe I'll update the app some day. PB2019 Download
Fast Replace(). Used for: This is an example of how to use a .Net assembly ( .Net Framework 4.5.1 to allow older windows versions) and the C#'s Replace() function instead of Powerbuilder's Replace(). This is a lot faster when having to replace lots of occurrences within larger strings. It would even be faster if I would have used .Net Core, but "managers wanted to be backwards compatible with old windows versions". The app also shows other techniques to replace strings. PB2019 Download
QR Code images. Used for: and This is one of multiple ways to read and generate QR Codes. I've used a C# assembly. Powerbuilder 2019 Sample App combined with Visual Studio solution for Assembly
Crystal Report Viewer:
Multi-threading with SharedObject example: PB2017 Download This is another interesting post about how to kill a thread:
Apache Echarts:
TinyMCE html editor:
My Object search and version comparison tool: PB2019 and PB2021